Bibliografía - vídeo


Presentación sobre ChatGPT y Google Bard dentro de las III Jornadas de Lingüística y Gramática Española: Reflexiones sobre los estudios lingüísticos orientados a los entornos virtuales, organizadas por la Universidad del Salvador (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


The average 20-year-old knows between 27,000 and 52,000 different words. Spoken out loud, most of these words last less than a second. With every word, the brain has a quick decision to make: which of those thousands of options matches the signal? And about 98% of the time, the brain chooses the correct word. How is this possible? Gareth Gaskell digs into the complexities of speech comprehension.


En Qualia

Steven Pinker shares his expertise on how the brain develops language while shedding light on how children, in particular, acquire language at a young age.

En esta charla, organizada por el Departamento de Filología Hispánica y Clásica de la Universidad de León, Mario de la Fuente y Miguel Abín abordan el tema de la enseñanza de español a alumnos inmigrantes que estudian en la educación secundaria. A través de sus reflexiones y aportaciones podrás ver cuáles son las características de este contexto de enseñanza y descubrirás un montón de recursos que te ayudarán a llevar a buen puerto esta apasionante labor.

Mario de la Fuente es profesor de español para inmigrantes en la Fundación Sierra Pambley (León) y Miguel Abín es profesor de lengua y literatura en el I.E.S. Condes de Saldaña (Palencia).


VV. AA. (2023)

Canal de Youtube del IX Congreso Internacional de la Lengua Española (CILE), que se celebró en Cádiz (España) entre el 27 y el 30 de marzo de 2023. En él se recogen  los vídeos de todas las sesiones del evento.

Vídeo de la jornada didáctica organizada por la Universidad de Columbia, Barnard College y Edinumen USA que se realizó el 5 de noviembre de 2022.

Estos son sus contenidos:

  • Aarón Pérez-Bernabeu
    Cinco preguntas de pronunciación y una petición desesperada
  • M.ª Mar Galindo
    Factores sociales en la identidad del aprendiz de lenguas: diversidad e inclusión en el aula
  • María del Carmen Méndez
    Ay, cómo hemos cambiado: el antes y el después de la pandemia del Covid-19 y el aprendizaje de lenguas

"In this episode of my show, we slide into the world of syntax, suffix, grammar and language structures. Join me as we explore the nuances of linguistic rules and uncover the secrets behind language acquisition and memorization. Ever wondered why some language rules seem quirky while others are more standard? Why is it that the past tense of climb is climbed but the past tense of come is came? Language is a mixture of almost mathematical rules and infuriating but fascinating exceptions. So, if you're ready to embark on a journey through this labyrinth with me, tune in to discover why grammar matters and how mastering it can enhance your understanding of the world around you."


Presentación en el Observatorio Cervantes at Harvard University.

Presentación en el Institut des Sciences Cognitives - Université du Québec à Montréal.

Cognitive Linguistics provides a theoretical framework to understand language as a builder of meaning that stems from interaction with the world and draws from the sensorimotor experience of all speakers. This point of view affords remarkable potential for foreign language teaching: it shows that as physical experiences are universal, so are the conceptualizations of the L1/L2 speakers who have them.

There seems to be a gap between the way polyglots learn languages and the way they are taught in most language courses. Why is that? And what exactly makes polyglots’ ways of learning languages different? 

Lýdia’s mission as a language mentor is to help people learn languages more effectively by applying learning strategies that polyglots use. In this talk, she provides a few insights on where the methods of polyglots and of foreign language teachers seem to differ. She’s helped thousands of Slovaks change their approach to learning foreign languages by applying polyglots’ principles in practice.

Vídeo dedicado al tema de los estilos de aprendizaje. En él se revisan y desmontan las ideas en las que se apoya este concepto.

Vídeo sobre el funcionamiento del cerebro y su relación con el aprendizaje.  


Want to learn a new language but feel daunted or unsure where to begin? You don't need some special talent or a "language gene," says Lýdia Machová. In an upbeat, inspiring talk, she reveals the secrets of polyglots and shares four principles to help unlock your own hidden language talent -- and have fun while doing it.

Polyglots are usually very good at learning languages by themselves, without teachers. This ability is often attributed to a special talent that they have, but Lýdia believes it comes down to a different quality – self-discipline. Learning a language from zero to a comfortable B2 level by yourself takes a lot of time and dedication and if you’re doing this by yourself, you need to be either extremely motivated to learn that language, or well-disciplined. That’s why most people find it so difficult and often give up after a few weeks or months. There is, however, quite a simple solution to this problem: learning systematically. If you create a plan in your learning, all you need to do is follow its simple steps, day by day, week by week, month by month. You don’t have to ask yourself “Do I feel like learning today?” over and over again. Lýdia trusts that anyone can turn into a successful autodidact (i.e. learn a language by themselves) if they find the right methods to learn and if they create a realistic plan. In her talk, she’ll give concrete examples of how such a plan may look, based on hundreds of examples of her students.

